Review Board’s API is based on standard HTTP requests (GET and POST).
All requests are made to resources on the server. These resources are just URLs beginning with /api/json/.
Review Board makes use of HTTP status codes for responses. Some of these may contain additional data in JSON format.
HTTP Status Codes¶
All responses containing payloads have an HTTP status code of 200 OK. This is true even when the payload represents an error. However, other status codes, such as 404 NOT FOUND, may be used without payloads. Clients should make sure to handle any and all status codes received.
JSON Payloads¶
Many responses will contain data in a JSON payload. This is a JSON dictionary containing keys for the response data. These responses will use the mimetype application/json.
Every payload has, at the least, a stat key. The value will be either ok (for success) or fail (for a failed request).
Payloads for failed requests will also contain a err key mapping to a dictionary containing code and msg keys. code will contain a numeric error code that can be used for determining the particular type of error. msg will contain a human-readable error string from the server.
An example of a failed response payload would be:
stat: "fail",
err: {
code: 205,
msg: "A repository path must be specified"