The dashboard is your primary method of accessing review requests. It displays detailed information on review requests at a glance, and allows filtering review requests.
After logging in to Review Board, you’ll be taken to your dashboard. You can always get back to it by clicking Dashboard on the navigation banner near the top of the page.
Review Requests List¶
The main area of the dashboard lists the review requests belonging to that particular view. This is a detailed, sortable, customizable list.
Clicking on any review request in the list will take you to that particular review request, while clicking on a submitter’s name will take you to the list of review requests submitted by that user.
The review request list can be sorted by clicking on a column header. Clicking once will sort the column in ascending order, and clicking a second time will sort that column in descending order. The column will have a little up or down arrow indicating the sorting order. You can click the X next to clear sorting for that column.
The dashboard provides two-level sorting. You can primarily sort by one column but in the case of multiple entries for a particular submitter, timestamp, etc., you can have secondary sorting on another column. This is set by simply clicking one column (which will be the secondary column) and then clicking another column (which will be the primary).
The primary column is indicated by a black up/down arrow, and the secondary column is indicated by a lighter grey up/down arrow.
Sorting options are saved across sessions.
Reordering Columns¶
Columns in the dashboard can be reordered by clicking and dragging the column. The columns will reorder as you’re dragging to show you the new layout, and when you release the mouse cursor the order will be saved.
Customizable Columns¶

Different users have different things they want to see in the dashboard. You can change which columns are shown and which aren’t by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the columns. A pop-up menu will appear showing which columns are shown and which aren’t.
The following are available columns you can choose from:
Shows the branch information listed on the review request.
Shows the bug IDs listed on the review request.
Diff Size¶
Shows a count of the removed and added lines of code in the latest revision of the diff.
Diff Updated¶
Shows the timestamp of the last diff update. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
Diff Updated (Relative)¶
Shows the timestamp of the last diff update, relative to now. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
Last Updated¶
Shows the timestamp of the last update to the review request. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
Last Updated (Relative)¶
Shows the timestamp of the last update to the review request, relative to now. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
My Comments¶
Shows a green comment flag if you have any unpublished comments on the review request, or a blue comment flag if you have published comments. This allows you to quickly see which review requests you’ve addressed.
New Updates¶
Shows a message bubble icon for any review requests that have been updated or have had discussion since you’ve last seen it. This does not apply to review requests you haven’t yet looked at.
Number of Reviews¶
Shows how many reviews have been made on the review request.
Posted Time¶
Shows the timestamp when the review request was first posted. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
Posted Time (Relative)¶
Shows the timestamp when the review request was first posted, relative to now. This is color-coded to indicate the age.
Shows the repository that the review request is against.
Review Request ID¶
Shows the ID number of the review request.
Select Rows¶
Shows a checkbox that allows you to select the row. When one or more review requests are selected, the sidebar will contain commands to close the selected review requests.
Ship It!¶
If there are open issues, this shows a count of the open issues in a yellow bubble. If there are no open issues, this will show a count of reviews where someone has marked “Ship It!”
Shows a star indicator that can be toggled. When toggled on, the review request is starred, meaning you’ll be CC’d on any discussion. Toggling it off will remove you from the CC list.
Shows the username of the submitter.
Shows the summary text of the review request.
Target Groups¶
Shows a list of the assigned groups for each review request.
Target People¶
Shows a list of the assigned people for each review request.
To Me¶
Shows a chevron for review requests which directly list you in the “people” field.