We can see the end of the tunnel, and it's bright and full of marshmallows!
Tonight we released Review Board 1.5 RC 2, the (hopefully) final RC release before 1.5 goes live. After our testing with RC 1, we're pretty confident we're at a good point to ship the final release soon. How soon? Why, next week, if all goes well. But you didn't hear it from me.
1.5 RC 2 fixes some remaining compatibility problems and usability problems found in RC 1. It smooths out the new API quite a bit as well.
Some of the key highlights include:
- Python 2.7 packages
- Compatibility with PyLucene 3.x
- Support for review requests without a diff (for reviewing screenshots)
- Improvements to screenshot drag-and-drop to make the experience a bit more reliable
- Some various authentication fixes for NIS, LDAP and Active Directory.
As usual, full release notes are available.
If you are at all planning to use Review Board 1.5, please upgrade to RC 2 and let us know if there are any major regressions. At this point, the goal is to release very soon, with any non-showstopper bugs being targetted for 1.5.1.
We always like to hear from our users, so drop us a line if you're using it, and with your permission, we'll add you to our Happy Users list.
We're planning a release party in the Silicon Valley, California area for some time in October. Details are still being worked out, but if you live in the area and would love to join us and some fellow users for dinner and drinks, contact us on the mailing list with your general availability (preference for week day vs. weekend, when you could tentatively make it) and we'll let you know when the plans are set.