Review Board 4.0 is nearly ready to ship, after much development and testing. With the addition of multi-commit review requests for Git and Mercurial, Discord and Jenkins CI integration, and review and administrative capabilities, this is a release that we're very proud of.
We're opening this up to beta testers before we ship the final 4.0, and would like your feedback.
Let's look at the highlights.
Multi-Commit Review Requests
Git and Mercurial users can now create review requests covering multiple commits at once. Reviewers can review each commit individually, all commits squashed together, or a portion of the commits squashed together.
RBTools 2.0 or higher is required to post or land multi-commit review requests.
Discord and Jenkins CI
Prefer Discord over Slack? Jenkins over CircleCI?
Your review request updates and discussions can now be posted to Discord to keep your group informed. Jenkins can take on building and testing your code, posting feedback to your review request.
More integrations are on their way for 4.0.
New Administration UI
We've rebuilt the administration UI from the ground up. It's mobile-friendly, cleaner, with far better management of integrations and extensions.
Read-only Mode
Planning some maintenance? You can now put the server into read-only mode. People can still browse review requests and code, but they won't be able to change anything until your maintenance is complete.
Python 3 and Django 1.11
Review Board 4.0 beta 1 can be installed on Python 3.6 through 3.9. Or on 2.7, if you're not ready to make the upgrade.
We've also upgraded to Django 1.11. This will matter if you have in-house extensions, as much has changed. Fortunately, we've helped with some porting information, which you'll find in the release notes.
Plus More
It's a big release, and we've covered it all in the release notes, along with installation/upgrade instructions. Please upgrade only on a test installation for now, and not on your production server.
Give it a try and let us know what you think or if you hit any problems.